Photography for Getty Images

I’m trying to be added as a contributor to Getty Images… If you could go to this page and like the picture/share it around, that would be great! I took this picture in Chicago when I was there in 2010, by the way.  

NCWQ 2014 Bursaries

I’m on the National Council of Women of Queensland’s (NCWQ) Bursary Selection Panel for 2014 and am here to tell you that if you are a young woman in Queensland, you should get on board and apply for some bursaries! There are 20 on offer, for a range of...

It's all about Impact…

You wouldn’t believe it but a few months after my friends and colleagues I met in Taiwan came up with the idea of running a conference on social enterprise, we’ve opened the first applications for the event. It has been many long hours in front of my...