You might remember I recently had my first paid position as guest speaker for the Parents’ and Children’s Conference with NCWQ… Well I am excited to announce that I officially have a new position as Support Communications Officer for the organisation! I will be helping out with the NCWQ website maintenance, press releases and general communications. I’m very excited as I will get to work with some wonderful people and hopefully get involved in more of their causes.
Here’s some information on their mission:
“National Council of Women of Queensland (NCWQ) is a non-party-political, non-sectarian, not-for-profit, umbrella organisation with broadly humanitarian and educational objectives.
It seeks to raise the awareness of members as to their rights and responsibilities as citizens and encourages their participation in all aspects of community life.”
And goals:
- Unite associates and societies of women, and of men and women, into an organisation for mutual counsel and cooperation.
- Work for the empowerment of women and families and to promote equal status for women in law and fact.
- Develop policies and responses on behalf of women on a state wide basis.
- Act as a voice on issues and concerns of women at state and regional levels.
- Link with the women of Australia and the International Council of Women through the National Council of Women of Australia and contribute to the implementation of their plans of action and policies.
I also think it will be very helpful for when I complete my Honours around the topic of ‘women in power’ – what better place to start than the National Council of Women of Queensland!
Anyway I will keep you all updated and post about some of NCWQ’s events as they happen! 🙂